Saturday, December 31, 2011

December 27, 2011

There is a lot to learn in this life. We have experiences that help us learn and grow. Sometimes we don't know why things happen the way they do. Elder Robert D. Hales talk in October 2011 General Conference is something that we can read to help us gain greater understanding on our purpose and the Lord's role in our lives. All that we teach is really an appendage of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. To know of that reality is of great comfort.

I am grateful for the prayers and the support in all that I do.

Elder Fagersten

December 19, 2011

The highlight of this last week was to be able to attend a Temple session with about half of the missionaries in my mission. President and Sister Taylor were there also. We got to see Santa!! (Braden Taylor) and we all got t-shirts with the APM (Arizona Phoenix Mission) logo on it. It was a lot of fun!

As missionaries we have to “be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you” (1 Peter 3:15). What a joy it is to be able to tell others the reason I have hope. That we have such understanding only because we have the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to lighten our minds. We have Priesthood power that is binding. This is the reason we can make covenants with Heavenly Father that are truly binding.
We have a clear understanding that Faith is an action word. Faith is like a muscle if you excersize it, it grows. If it hangs in a sling it becomes weaker. It doesn't just stay the same strength, it actually becomes weaker. We understand that faith is in EVERYTHING we do. Literally everything. We know that faith leads to repentance. Repentance leads to forming a new view of the world and yourself. It makes us better and seeing that we can change makes us want to change more.

Making covenants is a comitment that helps us repent and increase our faith. Baptism is a necessary covenant (John 3:5). We receive the gift of the Holy Ghost which helps us make the right decisions and is a constant companion. We cycle through faith and repenting and partaking of the sacrament (to renew your covenant made at baptism) to help us endure to the end. Our Heavenly Father set us up to succeed in this life. I have a testimony of that.

Merry Christmas Everyone. And remember to ask yourself not what did I get for Christmas? But What did I give for Christmas?

Elder Fagersten

Some pictures from Sedona

December 12, 2011

This week in the Sedona Ward we had a special visitor. We had Sister Silvia Allred (Counselor in the General Relief Society Presidency) come to our ward. I was able to talk with her for a little bit and introduce the newest member of the relief society in our ward to her. She has only been baptized for three weeks. Sister Allred was great and gave her a hug and all that good stuff to make her feel loved.

“You don’t know everything, but you know enough!” That is the comfort that is given by apostles of the Lord. Don't take it wrong. It does not mean that you don't need to know more. We always need to know more. What we need to know more of is just as important as knowing we need to learn. It would be wise to take the council given to study from the "best books." Be aware of where we are putting our time and efforts in learning. I've come to find great joy in studying from the scriptures consistently and often.

Elder Fagersten

December 5, 2011

Hello from Sedona!

What a beautiful place. My companion is Elder Hastings. He is from Concord, CA, which is just outside San Francisco, CA. He is the MAN!!! I love Elder Hastings. He is a hardworking missionary who wants to do as much good as he can.

For all of you who weren't able to see the Christmas Devotional from the first presidency, watch it! Christmas is put into perspective in a wonderful way. President Utchdorf was especially inspiring to me. Although I wont be home for Christmas, and it wont seen "ideal" to me. It is still the season to be Jolly, and full of love towards my brothers and sisters. Christmas will not be ruined.

I love you and hope that all of us can find a chance to serve someone this Christmas season.

Love Elder Fagersten

From the mission president's wife

All, this is Elder Fagersten's Mission Mom, Sister Taylor.  If you want to see Sedona just two weeks ago, check out the mission blog at and look for the post about the hike we went on with that zone earlier in November...amazing place!  You will also see a picture of Elder F. leading music on the Transfers blog post and him with silly glasses on in that same post if you click on the link to the picasa web album.  WE LOVE ELDER FAGERSTEN...and of course, it doesn't hurt that he is from my and Presidents home state, IOWA.  Love to all,  Sister Cheryl Taylor

November 29, 2011

So I thought that I would be here through the holidays but I won't. Elder McCook and I are both getting transferred out of the area. Yes, at the same time. Both of us. Gone. Most likely we will stay together but who knows. This has been a crazy day. There is a lot to pack and make sure the new missionaries have, like appointments from the rest of the week, who we are working with and so on and so forth. I don't know where we are going but were going. So every transfer week preparation day is on tuesday.

I keep forgetting my quote sheet. But I just re-read a talk from President Uchtdorf. "Brethren, stand close together and lift where you stand." Apply it. Know that where you stand is where you are needed and do your part. Look at a ward. We have a Bishop, Elders quorum President, Primary President, deacon's quorum presidents, building cleaner coordinator(or whatever it is called, ask Dad). All different and some seem less important, but all are necessary to have a ward run smoothly. Look at a family. Oldest, middle, youngest, and those who fill in the rest. All different but all needed to make our family complete. We have experiences that no one else has that make us uniquely suited for the position we are in. You are important.

I love all of you and hope that any mail will eventually make it to me.

Elder Fagersten

November 21, 2011

So the weather here is terrific. I wake up to about 45-48 degrees and that's a cold night. It got down to abou 35 last night because it rained. It has been warming up to 65+ degrees. We rearranged our bedroom so we have bunk beds again. We are going to be having a deep fried turkey for Thanksgiving!!! That will be a first.

Elder McCook has crashed on his bike twice now and drew blood on both knees and hands. No bike problems for him though. He got his first flat ever on that bike. Roofing nails will get you every time. I got an odometer for my bike.

I have been studying a lot about the atonement of Jesus Christ. And been working through the New Testament. It has been a great uplifting experience.

I've been neglecting my quotes so here is one pertaining to tatoos. "You don't put a bumper sticker on a Ferarri."

Love yall,
Elder Fagersten

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

November 7, 2011

I don't know if this is exact or who deserves credit for this quote but it is very very good. "If you treat a man as he is, he will remain as he is. But, if you treat a man as he could be or aught to be, he will become what he can or aught to be."   What a way to look at things. To live this we have to look at the potential in others. We have to think this is a child of God, thus has an infinite potential. Treat them that way and we open a door of opportunity and growth that they can enter if they choose.
I love yall and sure do miss ya.

Love Elder Fagersten

October 31, 2011

Howdy Yall.

This week has been great. Full of experiences. I saw a long horn, yes like texas long horns long horn. I held a bible that is about 26 pounds. Elder McCook almost got hit by a car (When I say that it was far enough away but still scary). When he woke up this morning he was disoriented and went to get out of bed on the side the wall is on and smacked his face really hard on the wall. All I heard was moaning and groaning and "oh man I need to check if I'm bleeding." He's ok.

Lots of random stuff like that but also great spiritual growth. I read a quote that says something like when you are in the service of God you shall not fear. As followers of Christ we should always be in the service of God. And as such we should never fear. Fear is the opposite of Faith. All we need is as much faith as a mustard seed and we can move mountains. That shows there is power in faith and weakness in fear. Elder Holland said that all the adversary needs is the faithfull to bind their tongues. Don't be afraid to share what you believe. We show our love for others by sharing what is so important to us with them.

Love Elder Fagersten

October 24, 2011


My companion is now Elder McCook. He is from Scottsdale AZ and he is going to be my companion for 3 months. He is on a trial mission to see if he can stay healthy living the missionary life. He has had some significant health issues in the past. But, his doctors said that everything he had is in remission. So here he is, with me, getting trained, never went to the MTC, so I get to train him in everything. Like how to use the planner and stuff that you learn in the MTC. And you learn a lot more than you might think in the MTC. So it is a lot of work. To add to that we do not have a car anymore. We have to figure out how to work in an area on bike. I'll tell you what, it takes a lot more planning when you're on bike. For example instead of taking five minutes in the car to get to the library it takes about 18 minutes. To get to the church around 30 minutes. So we have a lot to figure out.

"Patience is the capacity to endure delay, trouble, opposition, or suffering without becoming angry, frustrated, or anxious...When you are patient, you hold up under pressure and are able to face adversity calmly and hopefully" (Preach My Gospel pg.120). What an important attribute to have. The ability to endure and then to calmly handle situations. There is power and you have great influence when you calmly handle a situation.

Love Elder Fagersten

October 18, 2011


On Saturday President Taylor called and told me that I was going to be training a new missionary the next two transfers. I was excited!  So I will be at the same house but I will have a new companion. And please don't call new missionaries green when they come in. That is something that Elder Holland has asked be removed from missionary vocabulary. I am thankful for the opportunity to train a new elder.

“Come on, dear brother, since the war is past, For friends at first, are friends again at last’” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, sel. Joseph Fielding Smith [1976], 165–66).  These were the words of the prophet Joseph Smith when W.W. Phelps asked to return to the church. W.W. Phelps betrayed Joseph and the saints in Missouri causing much grief, pain, and loss of property and homes. W.W. Phelps realized what he had done and repented for his actions and asked forgiveness. May we forgive the ones who seek forgiveness. May we put behind us what is in the past and move on. May we destroy our enemies, by making them our friends.

I am thankful for all you have done, do, and will do for me.

Love, Elder Fagersten

October 11, 2011

Wow what good news! Audrey Jo Fillmore, welcome to our family. That makes 14 neices, 5 nephews and 19 total. How Awesome! I'm so glad I have a big family.

So yesterday was Columbus day and the library was closed. That is why I'm emailing today, tuesday. But, yesterday we had a Zone activity where we hiked Daisy Mountain. Let me tell you I'm sore as can be. But when we got to the top we had a testimony meeting. Each member of our Zone bore testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel. It was such a great experience.

Love Elder Fagersten

October 3, 2011

Hi! General Conference was fantastic!! I thought back to the blessing it has been in  my life to have General Conference a priority every April and October. The Words of the Prophet and the Apostolic witnesses shared are a source strength that we can draw from. I have met many people in and out of the church that have not had the blessing of General Conference in their lives. When I see this I often wonder "Why wouldn't you make General Conference a priority?! To make sure you can watch every session you can! It's my favorite two weekends of the year!" I have realized that we learn by experience. Something I still struggle to recognize right away in a situation. The choices we make after experiences shape our lives. Elder Oaks said, "Desires dictate our priorities, priorities shape our choices, and choices determine our actions. The desires we act on determine our changing, our achieving, and our becoming." As we listen to General Conference, not just hear but listen, we recognize the things we need to improve in our lives. Our desire to change comes as we are humble enough to realize we are not perfect. That we can continually improve, and indeed that is what the Atonement is all about. Improvement, change, progression towards aligning our will with Gods. Just as Elder Patrick Kearon taught in the October 2010 General Conference, "to survive in a minefield, you must follow exactly in the tracks of the vehicle moving ahead of you. Any deviation to the right or left could—and indeed did—prove fatal." Elder Packer said that we are "growing up" and indeed living in "enemy territory." If we align our will with Gods we will not leave the path set before us. We will not find any land mines. We will be able to make it through this life with joy in our journey. Matthew 10:39 teaches us that "He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it." Lose yourself in the service of God and you will find Joy in this life and the life to come.

Maybe that helps you understand why I love General Conference so much. Three different conferences. Three different leaders in the church. One message that we can all benefit from. General Conference is for everyone!

Something else I've realized is, when we don't tell people we love them they often forget. Like Joe shared with us "Doubt enters our lives when we forget. "  When it's not on the forefront of your mind it seems to drift away and becomes forgotten. Always remember the counsel of the Prophet, President Monson, "Never let a problem to be solved, become more important than a person to be loved." President Dieter F. Uchtdorf said, "Love is really spelled T-I-M-E."  For me, love is really spelled      S-N-A-I-L M-A-I-L. For me, showing your love is great and very important, but saying it, is a way of expressing your love that cannot be replaced.

I love you and hope and pray that we will feast upon the words of Christ. Be it through the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, Pearl of Great Price, or General Conference. All are the words of God. As we learned from Elder Richard G. Scott we should make all of the standard works a part of our studies. "To memorize scripture is to forge a new friendship." That is a friend we can always call on, depend on, draw from to get through a situation.

I love all of you and thank you for your concern, prayers, love, letters, and everything else.

Elder Ben Fagersten

September 26, 2011

"Your future is not determined by the conditions around you. It is determined by your faith, your choices, and your efforts." -Elder Paul V. Johnson

That's all I've got. Nothing too interesting happened. Maybe just sending that quote will make some people think like it has made me do.

Elder Fagersten

September 11, 2011

So I ended up not living in the house with the dog who wears a diaper. I'm in Grandma Eccles house! She is a wonderful lady who is kind of a mix between Gma Fagersten and Gma Mathusek. She acts like a kid yet knows the gospel of Jesus Christ and the healing power it and the priesthood brings into your life.  The address for another 5 weeks is:

Elder Ben Fagersten
18855 N. 71st Ave.
Glendale, AZ 85308

So I really enjoyed the letter mom! Those pictures bring back great memories. I am keeping a photo album to help out with my bad journal writing. And those pictures went right in the front page.

So Mormon messages are some great videos! I watched a lot of them this week and have gathered many great insights. I'll give two quotes today from my favorite Mormon message. "They do not love, that do not show their love."(William Shakespeare) 
"Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved."(President Thomas S. Monson)  Love is the very foundation of the gospel of Jesus Christ. For on this hang all the law. (see Matthew 22:37-40) It is our religion, to love one another. I think of the Joseph Smith:The Prophet of the Restoration movie when they are splitting wood and building a fence for an older lady and she comes up to Joseph Smith and says "Mr. Smith I do not believe in your religion. But, I do thank you for your kindness." and Joseph Smith says "Well ma'am you could say that is our religion."  Plus loving others just makes you happy. I love all of you and thank you for your letters and support.

Love Elder Ben Fagersten


September 6, 2011

Since I seem to have neglected to tell yall about Elder Vaughan my companion, here is a tidbit about him. He is from South Carolina. He has a bad back and he may have to get surgery to fix it. Which would put him out for about a month or maybe more.

We are moving to a different house. We will still be together for another transfer just a different house. There is a dog at our new house and it wears a diaper. I'll definitely send pictures when we move.

Our wards are full of great people who love the missionaries.  

"Come what may, and love it" Joseph B. Wirthlin. The October 2008 General Conference has been really helpful for me this past week. I would highly recommend a review of it. There is even an article in this months ensign about it.  I can promise if you love the experiences that you have to go through you will love life more and you will learn more.

I love yall and thank you for support and prayers!

Love Elder Fagersten

August 22, 2011

 "Inspect what you expect." ...there's some food for thought. That has really put a new twist on life. A good twist! What do you expect when you go to school, church, even the store!  Think about it, it's kinda fun. For me it's what do I expect each day from my self. What do I expect to do today that will cheer up the sad or make someone feel glad. Lift burdens. That is what my mission is all about! It's about other people!!  It's a wonderful opportunity that everyone should take to forget about yourself for awhile and find a way to serve someone.

Elder Fagersten

August 15, 2011


I have been having a lot of new experiences in this area. I have begun a quote journal. . .quotes that have helped me, ones that are helping me, ones that I think will help others.

"Desires dictate our priorities, priorities shape our choices, and choices determine our actions. The desires we act on determine our changing, our achieving and our becoming."
-Elder Oaks

This quote has really helped me put things in perspective and to know what is important and what should be put first.
Elder Ben Fagersten

August 1, 2011

Hello all! Before I tell you where I am I have a story. Elder Brown and I were riding down the street to go to an appointment. And it so happened that the hospital was on this street. We were waved down by a lady and she said her husband was in the hospital and he wanted a blessing. We said ok we can come after our appointment and that was ok with her. We then went to the appointment and then went to the hospital. When we got there his hand was all wrapped up and there were leaches on his fingers! We came to find out that he had been lubing his motorcycle chain and the sock he was using to put the greace on got caught in the chain and then he grabbed the sock and his fingers went through also. His pointer and pinky fingers were taken off. His middle and ring fingers were mangled. I'll send the pictures next week because I forgot my camera.

I'm in Peoria! I live in Peoria but my area is in Glendale. I am now covering two wards. One is the Foot Hills ward and the other is Sunburst ward. I am now companions with Elder Vaughan. He is a baller from South Carolina, Charleston. I'm living in a house with four other missionaries and it is really fun. I'm now in a car! I'm the designated driver and the senior companion. Which doesn't really mean a whole lot. We both are accountable for the decisions made in the companionship but the senior kind of has more accountablility. If that makes sence. But The work is going to go forth boldly and nobly.

I got to see Elder Kyle Gerber at transfer meeting. It was great to see him! And we are going home at the same time! We could and better be on the same flight home...don't take this as being trunky, at all.

I love you all and thank you for the prayers!

Elder Fagersten

July 18, 2011

We had a baptism in the north mountain ward this week. Peggy Kurtzhals. It is great to see people embrace the gospel. I also went to my first spanish baptism.  It reminded me how much I love singing in spanish!

Elder Fagersten

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Here is the sand storm that came through.

I got to go to the temple on saturday. The mesa temple is so beautiful! Every temple is so unique, yet for the same purpose. I got to ride home on my bike in the sand storm that came through. It was actually very cool temperatures as we rode. We met with President Taylor this week and He is going to be an awesome Mission President. It is a style change but it will be great.

Elder Fagersten



Another one of God's Children was baptized this weekend. Carl Blakey was baptized. He is in the last baptismal picture I sent you. I was privileged to confirm him a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It is such a great experience to see the change the gospel brings to someones life. Carl was the last of the family to be baptized. Now he's going to receive the priesthood and be the priesthood leader in the home. It's exciting to see people blessed. I love this work and I know that anyone can see this change in their friends when the gospel is shared.

Love Elder Fagersten



This week was terrific! I had a flat tire 4/7 days this week. I've used more tire patches on my bike since I've been out here than ever before. It's crazy! But, what would life be like if nothing went wrong. BORING. That's why missions are so grand. There are so many different experiences in one day. And I'm convinced that if we learn from each experience we become better people and we become so much more intelligent and well rounded individuals. Go to the Lord for answers before you go to others. It is cool to learn that way.

Elder Fagersten

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

June 13, 2011


I'm not doing justice to this story but since I'm short on time, this is what happened in a nutshell. This week we chased a bus for half a mile on our bikes so we wouldn't have to ride our bikes over the mountain and we caught it. It was awesome!

This week I have learned to appreciate the Atonement of Jesus Christ more fully this week. It really has the power to lift burdens of guilt and shame from us. It has made me more eager to share this wonderful message of Christ. The Book of Mormon is filled with the gospel of Jesus Christ and it has touched my heart. It has humbled me to make improvements.(Ether 12:27) I appreciate the support and prayers.

Elder Fagersten

Monday, June 6, 2011

June 6, 2011

Greetings from the Valley of the Sun!

This week was great!! Elder Brown got owned by a cactus. These are the pictures of Elder Brown and the cactus. The shoe picture is my shoe.

I bowled a 198 on my second preparation day!  I kept forgetting to tell you that.

I went on my first companion exchange this week. It was with the Spanish elders in my district. I was with a Spanish elder, Elder Anhder, and he helped me participate in the lessons by giving me a Spanish book that has sentences to read that helped with the lessons.

I was able to go see the groundbreaking ceremony for the Phoenix Temple. It reminded me of the opportunity I had to see the many ceremonies for the Nauvoo Temple. There is such a wonderful spirit about when temples are being talked about. I know that these temples are brought to pass by a prophet of God. Called today just as in days of old. The prophet is to guide the Church and point the world to Jesus Christ. They commune with Christ and are his mouthpiece.

Elder Fagersten

May 30, 2011

Hello!! Crazy story for the week. I found a huge sewer roach in my bathroom :) We had to kill it with house hold chemicals. But not before we took pictures, which I will send. Anyway, we used a combination of glass cleaner, vinegar, and comet. Comet is what really killed it. It was pretty nasty.
I don't remember if I told you but "Dear Elder" will still get sent to me in Phoenix. School is out here. Isn't that crazy early!? I was amazed.

I had my first baptism this week. It was for a girl named Veronica. She is twelve and her mother was just baptized a few weeks before I came out and her step father is going to get baptized in a couple weeks. It was so amazing to hear her testimony after her baptism. And the joy that Jesus Christ's church brings into a family.

I can't get the pictures to send on email so I'll send my memory card home soon so you can see all my MTC pictures and Mission field pictures.
I appreciate the support that I get from everyone.
Elder Fagersten

may 23, 2011


It has been a late start to the heat. I am thankful for that. When the monsoons come it is desert hot, so like 105 plus degrees, with like 80% humidity. It will be a joy :)

I had an epic crash on my bike this week! Thankfully I was wearing my biking gloves. I was making a turn and my bike slid out from underneath me and I slid on my chest. My hands went out first and then it was a penguin slide from there. Hahaha my name tag is no longer all black. There are some pretty good scars on the name tag. But I came up with no injuries, my bike had no damage, and my shirt was torn apart.

But on a more spiritual note. I learned that Alma 18:27 is the shortest verse in the Book of Mormon. Even more spiritual is how amazing it is to see the little miracles that happen everyday. For example, Elder Brown and I were teaching a lesson one Sunday night and got done at about 8:50pm. We are supposed to be in our apartment at 9:00 or 9:30 if we are teaching a lesson. Once we got to our bikes my back tire was completely flat. So we thought we would take the bus back home. We were waiting for the bus to come till about 9:10. Then Elder Brown said,"uh oh, I don't think the buses run after 6 on Sunday." And they don't!!! So we ran with our bikes back to our apartment and made it with one minute to spare. It would take us about 9-10 minutes on a bike. And remember this is much higher altitude than Iowa. But, because we were being diligent in helping others come closer to Christ we were able to continue to be obedient. The Lord provides a way for all things good to happen. Even if it seems insignificant. But the Lord loves obedience and He didn't set us up to fail in this life. He will provide ways for us to succeed. I love the church. Church on Sunday is really a rejuvenating experience that helps you through the next week. And there will be something said that you need to hear.

Elder Fagersten

May 16, 2011

Things are going great here in the North Mountain Ward! I am in Phoenix but I'm mostly in the Sunnyslope area. My mission doesn't go into downtown Phoenix but it goes around it. The desert is very different. It's flat then mountians and dry!  I didn't believe it when I was told that your sweat would evaporate off your skin, but it does!  The only thing that gets wet is my back because my backpack is there to block the sun. The only time I feel the sweat is when we are in the shade.

There are so many...interesting people in Phoenix.  I've learned that there are a lot more people that will refuse you than will listen. Its hard but the ones that listen make it all worth it; to see the improvement in their lives. That desire to change and then to have the direction to go somewhere with that desire is a wonderful work. But a huge part in the work is finding. If we don't have anyone to teach we cannot do what we are called to do. Which is to invite others to come unto Christ by helping them recieve the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement. Faith, repentance, baptism, recieving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end.  Invite others to learn. The church only brings you closer to Christ and enlightens further. Reading the Book of Mormon and coming to church are two vital things in gaining a testimony that this is the True Church of Jesus Christ. It has His Priesthood Authority in which we can perform saving ordinances such as baptism. I love this gospel and am so glad that I can go about sharing something that has made me so happy.

I love you all and thank you for your love and support.
 Love, Elder Fagersten

May 9, 2011

Hello hola,
Hahaha My mission is Awesome! I was so happy to talk with everyone last night. Sorry to miss you Shar, Lars, Leah, Naomi, Yaya, and Heidi.

I'm running short on time right now. But this morning was almost cold outside. There were clouds and wind. I got a soccer ball today.

There are two sets of Spanish Elders in our district and they all love soccer. There is one set of Sisters in my district as well. I don't remember what I've told you but...yeah. Sorry I didn't share more but next week will be a better email. 

Tell the Primary Kids I say hello and I miss them.

Elder Fagersten

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Some Mission Info. from the Pres.

A view of North Phoenix

Elder Ben Fagersten is serving with Elder Brown in the North Mountain Ward in the Phoenix North Stake.  President Beck said he was happy to have Ben serving in Arizona and that he is a fine young man and will be a great missionary. 

Ben's P-Day is on Mondays.  All of the missionaries use the library to send out their emails.  If there is a holiday, they will miss sending out their email that week.  President Beck also suggested that emails sent to Ben be uplifting ones that express our faith and support of him.  He indicated that when we share too much about the details of life, then it tends to make the missionaries more home sick.

Oh, he also mentioned the mission blog and that Ben will be posted on there in the next week or two.  That address is:

Also, as far as mail goes, all letters and packages should be sent to the mission office during his entire mission.  When you send packages First Class or Priority with the U.S. Postal Service, they forward them to the missionaries.  Any packages that come via UPS, Fed-Ex or Parcel Post cannot be forwarded and must be hand-delivered at Zone Conference or Interviews.  This causes a delay of up to a month.  His address is:

Elder Benjamin Robert Fagersten
Arizona Phoenix Mission
18001 N. 79th Avenue
Building C, Suite 50
Glendale, AZ 85308

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

April 26, 2011

Hello everybody!! There have been some pretty big changes here in the MTC. They totally changed the schedule and what we do for learning and teaching. They used to have a place you could go in order to have workshops on how to teach and do door approaches and what not. Now there is none of that. There are no more large group meetings. There are a lot of changes. They are implementing new things into the curriculum that were implemented in the field before. Its strange but good.

There is still a teaching evaluation center where you go and teach investigators. More often than not they are not real investigators. But this has changed some as well. They are now all professional actors so that the teaching experience is very real. It was real before with recent converts acting the way they did before they joined the church. But this is supposed to be an improvement. I'm excited to teach there. I'll send home the new schedule with the old one so you can see the differences for yourself. Along with all the other things from the MTC, I've had four different teachers. Which is not common. But, I LOVE it here!!! The spirit is so strong. The missionaries are great. There is something to learn from everyone! My companion, other members of my district and zone, the teachers, and especially the fireside and devotional speakers.

We had Elder Stephen B. Allen come on Sunday. He is the Managing Director of the Missionary Department. He helped produce commercials for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It was awesome!! We got to watch a bunch of the commercials and he applied them to us! I cried multiple times. It was so powerful. I admit I was a bit disappointed when it wasn't a general authority on Easter Sunday. Especially when Elder Scott came the week before. But I got over that before he even began his devotional. I thought that it would be silly to not have the spirit because I didn't get what I wanted. So I got over it.

My District is awesome!!! But it is interesting to see how people change when you're around them so often. As Alyce said to me in her letter. You may click with some elders until Satan throws a wrench in that relationship. Something to that effect. And it's true. It helps to have a supportive district to help you understand that we're still God's children. He still loves us and wants the best for us. It's vitally important to remember that you are with your companion for a reason. His strengths and your strengths compliment each others weaknesses. His perspectives and your perspectives compliment each other and strengthen your unity if you can get over the little things that Satan wants you to dwell on. Just so you know my companion and I get along well.

I wish I could write more but there is not all the time in the world. Preparation day is actually pretty busy. I love you all and appreciate your prayers and support!

Elder Ben Fagersten

MTC address

Hi Everyone,

Ben leaves the MTC on May 3rd

Elder Benjamin Robert Fagersten
Arizona Phoenix Mission
Provo Missionary Training Center P.O. #148
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604

April 20, 2011

The MTC is fantastic! My companion's name is Elder Burrows. He's from West Virginia. In my district there are eight Elders and no Sisters. Four of them are going to California, Carlsbad Mission and the other four are going to the Arizona, Phoenix. The Carlsbad Elders are in one room and the Phoenix Elders are in another. Elder Neil, Elder Jolley. (Yes related to the Jolley's in Waterloo.)  Elder Creager, Elder Packer are going to Carlsbad. Elder Neil is from Tulsa Oklahoma. and the other three are from Utah.

Then there is Elder Lynn from Canada. Elder Alvis from Texas. and Elder Burrows and myself. No Elders going to Phoenix are from Utah.  I'm in a great District though. Awesome Elders. I'm learning so much.

Elder Richard G. Scott came to the MTC on Tuesday night. He talked about how important Companionship and Personal study is. He learned a lot from effective study on his mission.

I love you all sooooo much.  Thank you for your support and prayers.

Elder Fagersten

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Email Elder Fagersten

For Ben's email address you go to:
MTC Box # 148
Arizona Phoenix Mission
Estimated MTC departure date is May 3rd.

When you use, the email is printed and delivered to him that day.  Then he can read it during the week so when he has his 30 minutes on preparation day, he can spend his time responding to his mail instead of reading it.

This service is completely free, so send as many letters as you want!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Leaving on a jet plane - April 11, 2011

 Dad and Elder Fagersten
 Elder F and his Momma
 A hug from little brother Jacob
 Grandma and Elder F
 Stocking feet to pass through security
 Two thumbs up!  He made it :)
 "I love you" from the other side of the glass...There's no turning back now!
On the plane and off to Utah!

I also thought you would like a few photos of Ben at the airport, etc.  His flight left at 1 p.m. out of the Waterloo Airport.  Sharon West and Megan West Russell and her twin boys, Liam and Logan came to see Ben off.  Jacob took off of school and came to their airport (yes, yes, it was a great sacrifice for him).  He checked in, both of his bags were under the 50 lb. limit, and he carried on his backpack. 

He said he loved the moving walkways at the Minneapolis airport and that it took him about 20 minutes to walk to his connecting flight.  Uncle Pat and Rusty came and picked him up and he arrived safely in Provo.  Uncle Pat, Rusty and Jane will spend the day with Ben.  Then tomorrow night, Uncle Pat is taking the family out to dinner at a Chinese Restaurant.  Ben will be able to see Jessica and family as well as Phil and Andrea and Ella.  On the way home from the airport, they stopped to see your cousin John and his wife, Helen.

So as you can see, all is well and Ben is being well taken care of.

Tons of love and thanks to all,
(Ben's ) Mom and Dad

Farewell Ben, Hello Elder Fagersten - April 10, 2011

 Elder Fagersten surrounded by most of his family
 Elder Fagersten and nephew Miles
Up to bat one last time in the infamous backyard wiffle ball world series

Here are a few pictures from Ben's last Sunday in Iowa before boarding an airplane (for the first time) and flying to Salt Lake City Utah.  His Uncle Pat picked him up from the airport and will be his "companion" until he brings Elder Fagersten to the Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah.  Elder F will stay there for three weeks where he will take classes, train and learn how to be a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints!  We will miss him at home and on facebook but he will be serving our Heavenly Father and the people of Phoenix Arizona!  You will be an amazing missionary Benny!!