Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Here is the sand storm that came through.

I got to go to the temple on saturday. The mesa temple is so beautiful! Every temple is so unique, yet for the same purpose. I got to ride home on my bike in the sand storm that came through. It was actually very cool temperatures as we rode. We met with President Taylor this week and He is going to be an awesome Mission President. It is a style change but it will be great.

Elder Fagersten



Another one of God's Children was baptized this weekend. Carl Blakey was baptized. He is in the last baptismal picture I sent you. I was privileged to confirm him a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It is such a great experience to see the change the gospel brings to someones life. Carl was the last of the family to be baptized. Now he's going to receive the priesthood and be the priesthood leader in the home. It's exciting to see people blessed. I love this work and I know that anyone can see this change in their friends when the gospel is shared.

Love Elder Fagersten



This week was terrific! I had a flat tire 4/7 days this week. I've used more tire patches on my bike since I've been out here than ever before. It's crazy! But, what would life be like if nothing went wrong. BORING. That's why missions are so grand. There are so many different experiences in one day. And I'm convinced that if we learn from each experience we become better people and we become so much more intelligent and well rounded individuals. Go to the Lord for answers before you go to others. It is cool to learn that way.

Elder Fagersten