Saturday, December 31, 2011

December 27, 2011

There is a lot to learn in this life. We have experiences that help us learn and grow. Sometimes we don't know why things happen the way they do. Elder Robert D. Hales talk in October 2011 General Conference is something that we can read to help us gain greater understanding on our purpose and the Lord's role in our lives. All that we teach is really an appendage of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. To know of that reality is of great comfort.

I am grateful for the prayers and the support in all that I do.

Elder Fagersten

December 19, 2011

The highlight of this last week was to be able to attend a Temple session with about half of the missionaries in my mission. President and Sister Taylor were there also. We got to see Santa!! (Braden Taylor) and we all got t-shirts with the APM (Arizona Phoenix Mission) logo on it. It was a lot of fun!

As missionaries we have to “be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you” (1 Peter 3:15). What a joy it is to be able to tell others the reason I have hope. That we have such understanding only because we have the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to lighten our minds. We have Priesthood power that is binding. This is the reason we can make covenants with Heavenly Father that are truly binding.
We have a clear understanding that Faith is an action word. Faith is like a muscle if you excersize it, it grows. If it hangs in a sling it becomes weaker. It doesn't just stay the same strength, it actually becomes weaker. We understand that faith is in EVERYTHING we do. Literally everything. We know that faith leads to repentance. Repentance leads to forming a new view of the world and yourself. It makes us better and seeing that we can change makes us want to change more.

Making covenants is a comitment that helps us repent and increase our faith. Baptism is a necessary covenant (John 3:5). We receive the gift of the Holy Ghost which helps us make the right decisions and is a constant companion. We cycle through faith and repenting and partaking of the sacrament (to renew your covenant made at baptism) to help us endure to the end. Our Heavenly Father set us up to succeed in this life. I have a testimony of that.

Merry Christmas Everyone. And remember to ask yourself not what did I get for Christmas? But What did I give for Christmas?

Elder Fagersten

Some pictures from Sedona

December 12, 2011

This week in the Sedona Ward we had a special visitor. We had Sister Silvia Allred (Counselor in the General Relief Society Presidency) come to our ward. I was able to talk with her for a little bit and introduce the newest member of the relief society in our ward to her. She has only been baptized for three weeks. Sister Allred was great and gave her a hug and all that good stuff to make her feel loved.

“You don’t know everything, but you know enough!” That is the comfort that is given by apostles of the Lord. Don't take it wrong. It does not mean that you don't need to know more. We always need to know more. What we need to know more of is just as important as knowing we need to learn. It would be wise to take the council given to study from the "best books." Be aware of where we are putting our time and efforts in learning. I've come to find great joy in studying from the scriptures consistently and often.

Elder Fagersten

December 5, 2011

Hello from Sedona!

What a beautiful place. My companion is Elder Hastings. He is from Concord, CA, which is just outside San Francisco, CA. He is the MAN!!! I love Elder Hastings. He is a hardworking missionary who wants to do as much good as he can.

For all of you who weren't able to see the Christmas Devotional from the first presidency, watch it! Christmas is put into perspective in a wonderful way. President Utchdorf was especially inspiring to me. Although I wont be home for Christmas, and it wont seen "ideal" to me. It is still the season to be Jolly, and full of love towards my brothers and sisters. Christmas will not be ruined.

I love you and hope that all of us can find a chance to serve someone this Christmas season.

Love Elder Fagersten

From the mission president's wife

All, this is Elder Fagersten's Mission Mom, Sister Taylor.  If you want to see Sedona just two weeks ago, check out the mission blog at and look for the post about the hike we went on with that zone earlier in November...amazing place!  You will also see a picture of Elder F. leading music on the Transfers blog post and him with silly glasses on in that same post if you click on the link to the picasa web album.  WE LOVE ELDER FAGERSTEN...and of course, it doesn't hurt that he is from my and Presidents home state, IOWA.  Love to all,  Sister Cheryl Taylor

November 29, 2011

So I thought that I would be here through the holidays but I won't. Elder McCook and I are both getting transferred out of the area. Yes, at the same time. Both of us. Gone. Most likely we will stay together but who knows. This has been a crazy day. There is a lot to pack and make sure the new missionaries have, like appointments from the rest of the week, who we are working with and so on and so forth. I don't know where we are going but were going. So every transfer week preparation day is on tuesday.

I keep forgetting my quote sheet. But I just re-read a talk from President Uchtdorf. "Brethren, stand close together and lift where you stand." Apply it. Know that where you stand is where you are needed and do your part. Look at a ward. We have a Bishop, Elders quorum President, Primary President, deacon's quorum presidents, building cleaner coordinator(or whatever it is called, ask Dad). All different and some seem less important, but all are necessary to have a ward run smoothly. Look at a family. Oldest, middle, youngest, and those who fill in the rest. All different but all needed to make our family complete. We have experiences that no one else has that make us uniquely suited for the position we are in. You are important.

I love all of you and hope that any mail will eventually make it to me.

Elder Fagersten

November 21, 2011

So the weather here is terrific. I wake up to about 45-48 degrees and that's a cold night. It got down to abou 35 last night because it rained. It has been warming up to 65+ degrees. We rearranged our bedroom so we have bunk beds again. We are going to be having a deep fried turkey for Thanksgiving!!! That will be a first.

Elder McCook has crashed on his bike twice now and drew blood on both knees and hands. No bike problems for him though. He got his first flat ever on that bike. Roofing nails will get you every time. I got an odometer for my bike.

I have been studying a lot about the atonement of Jesus Christ. And been working through the New Testament. It has been a great uplifting experience.

I've been neglecting my quotes so here is one pertaining to tatoos. "You don't put a bumper sticker on a Ferarri."

Love yall,
Elder Fagersten