Wednesday, June 15, 2011

June 13, 2011


I'm not doing justice to this story but since I'm short on time, this is what happened in a nutshell. This week we chased a bus for half a mile on our bikes so we wouldn't have to ride our bikes over the mountain and we caught it. It was awesome!

This week I have learned to appreciate the Atonement of Jesus Christ more fully this week. It really has the power to lift burdens of guilt and shame from us. It has made me more eager to share this wonderful message of Christ. The Book of Mormon is filled with the gospel of Jesus Christ and it has touched my heart. It has humbled me to make improvements.(Ether 12:27) I appreciate the support and prayers.

Elder Fagersten

Monday, June 6, 2011

June 6, 2011

Greetings from the Valley of the Sun!

This week was great!! Elder Brown got owned by a cactus. These are the pictures of Elder Brown and the cactus. The shoe picture is my shoe.

I bowled a 198 on my second preparation day!  I kept forgetting to tell you that.

I went on my first companion exchange this week. It was with the Spanish elders in my district. I was with a Spanish elder, Elder Anhder, and he helped me participate in the lessons by giving me a Spanish book that has sentences to read that helped with the lessons.

I was able to go see the groundbreaking ceremony for the Phoenix Temple. It reminded me of the opportunity I had to see the many ceremonies for the Nauvoo Temple. There is such a wonderful spirit about when temples are being talked about. I know that these temples are brought to pass by a prophet of God. Called today just as in days of old. The prophet is to guide the Church and point the world to Jesus Christ. They commune with Christ and are his mouthpiece.

Elder Fagersten

May 30, 2011

Hello!! Crazy story for the week. I found a huge sewer roach in my bathroom :) We had to kill it with house hold chemicals. But not before we took pictures, which I will send. Anyway, we used a combination of glass cleaner, vinegar, and comet. Comet is what really killed it. It was pretty nasty.
I don't remember if I told you but "Dear Elder" will still get sent to me in Phoenix. School is out here. Isn't that crazy early!? I was amazed.

I had my first baptism this week. It was for a girl named Veronica. She is twelve and her mother was just baptized a few weeks before I came out and her step father is going to get baptized in a couple weeks. It was so amazing to hear her testimony after her baptism. And the joy that Jesus Christ's church brings into a family.

I can't get the pictures to send on email so I'll send my memory card home soon so you can see all my MTC pictures and Mission field pictures.
I appreciate the support that I get from everyone.
Elder Fagersten

may 23, 2011


It has been a late start to the heat. I am thankful for that. When the monsoons come it is desert hot, so like 105 plus degrees, with like 80% humidity. It will be a joy :)

I had an epic crash on my bike this week! Thankfully I was wearing my biking gloves. I was making a turn and my bike slid out from underneath me and I slid on my chest. My hands went out first and then it was a penguin slide from there. Hahaha my name tag is no longer all black. There are some pretty good scars on the name tag. But I came up with no injuries, my bike had no damage, and my shirt was torn apart.

But on a more spiritual note. I learned that Alma 18:27 is the shortest verse in the Book of Mormon. Even more spiritual is how amazing it is to see the little miracles that happen everyday. For example, Elder Brown and I were teaching a lesson one Sunday night and got done at about 8:50pm. We are supposed to be in our apartment at 9:00 or 9:30 if we are teaching a lesson. Once we got to our bikes my back tire was completely flat. So we thought we would take the bus back home. We were waiting for the bus to come till about 9:10. Then Elder Brown said,"uh oh, I don't think the buses run after 6 on Sunday." And they don't!!! So we ran with our bikes back to our apartment and made it with one minute to spare. It would take us about 9-10 minutes on a bike. And remember this is much higher altitude than Iowa. But, because we were being diligent in helping others come closer to Christ we were able to continue to be obedient. The Lord provides a way for all things good to happen. Even if it seems insignificant. But the Lord loves obedience and He didn't set us up to fail in this life. He will provide ways for us to succeed. I love the church. Church on Sunday is really a rejuvenating experience that helps you through the next week. And there will be something said that you need to hear.

Elder Fagersten

May 16, 2011

Things are going great here in the North Mountain Ward! I am in Phoenix but I'm mostly in the Sunnyslope area. My mission doesn't go into downtown Phoenix but it goes around it. The desert is very different. It's flat then mountians and dry!  I didn't believe it when I was told that your sweat would evaporate off your skin, but it does!  The only thing that gets wet is my back because my backpack is there to block the sun. The only time I feel the sweat is when we are in the shade.

There are so many...interesting people in Phoenix.  I've learned that there are a lot more people that will refuse you than will listen. Its hard but the ones that listen make it all worth it; to see the improvement in their lives. That desire to change and then to have the direction to go somewhere with that desire is a wonderful work. But a huge part in the work is finding. If we don't have anyone to teach we cannot do what we are called to do. Which is to invite others to come unto Christ by helping them recieve the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement. Faith, repentance, baptism, recieving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end.  Invite others to learn. The church only brings you closer to Christ and enlightens further. Reading the Book of Mormon and coming to church are two vital things in gaining a testimony that this is the True Church of Jesus Christ. It has His Priesthood Authority in which we can perform saving ordinances such as baptism. I love this gospel and am so glad that I can go about sharing something that has made me so happy.

I love you all and thank you for your love and support.
 Love, Elder Fagersten

May 9, 2011

Hello hola,
Hahaha My mission is Awesome! I was so happy to talk with everyone last night. Sorry to miss you Shar, Lars, Leah, Naomi, Yaya, and Heidi.

I'm running short on time right now. But this morning was almost cold outside. There were clouds and wind. I got a soccer ball today.

There are two sets of Spanish Elders in our district and they all love soccer. There is one set of Sisters in my district as well. I don't remember what I've told you but...yeah. Sorry I didn't share more but next week will be a better email. 

Tell the Primary Kids I say hello and I miss them.

Elder Fagersten