Saturday, April 7, 2012

April 3, 2012

Hola everyone! It's transfer week so we email Tuesday instead of Monday.

General Conference was great!! Like usual. I'll just share a few notes I took during conference that I really enjoyed. They probably aren't direct quotes, but it's what I wrote down.
Pres. Monson: We come together to strengthen one another. To learn and be uplifted and edified. (This applies to all the times we come together for church)
Elder Packer: The spirit of the Gospel is found in the family unit.
Elder Oaks: Atonement is the central focus of all the prophet's prophesying and testifying.
Elder Eyring:Trials in life don't always come because of sin. They can come to us to "polish" us.
Elder Holland: Be kind, and be glad that God is Kind.
Elder Hales: Forgiveness is the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Elder Cook: We must stay in tune with the sacred music of Faith. What we are speaks so loudly that our children may not hear what we say. If you feel like no divine voice is speaking back to you, immerse yourself in the scriptures.
Elder Scott: The Lord uses those who we hold with great respect to teach us.
Elder Bednar: The Priesthood is the most distinguishing feature of the Church. It is the power of God given to men to save souls.
Elder Uchtdorf: He saw a bumper sticker that said, "Don't judge me because I sin differently than you."
Elder Nelson: Anyone who studies the body has seen the majesty and power of God move. Don't be like fish who never thank and are ignorant to their supporter.
Elder Christofferson: He teaches us how the Church leaders receive revelation for the church.
Pres. Monson: We need a rutter to guide us. Unlike the toy boats that he and his friends used to fashion out of sticks.
Elder Perry: Neither the Bible nor the Book of Mormon is sufficient without the other. Much of the Book of Mormons greatness stems from its harmony with the Bible.
Elder Ballard: Life is much better and happier when hearts turn to families.
Elder Andersen: In the last day we will not be judged based on what others think of us. So ask yourself. What thinks Christ of me?"

Hope these Help. They are only from the Quorum of the Twelve apostles and First Presidency.

Love Elder Fagersten

March 26, 2012

This week is the last week of the transfer and one of my zone leaders is going home. It is a strange thing to see missionaries go home. They really don't want to leave. I've thought about that. Why would anyone not want to leave? You get all these "privileges" back once you go home. Etc. It has brought light into my purpose here. I think in part it has to do with making another transition. Again, it is something that you've never done before. There is always an element of uncertainty. But that is not the biggest reason why missionaries don't want to go home. It is because when you are a missionary you are living at a level of purity and consecration that you have never before attempted to live. We teach to avoid temptation. We teach to replace negative thoughts, actions, and influences with good ones. Simply cutting out the negative influences of the world that come through TV, Internet, and radio creates an atmoshphere where you can be more spiritually sensitive. We have time every day to study from the scriptures. We get to teach and talk about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ daily, and the restored gospel is more than just another nice Christian religion. That is our claim. We have more, we have the Priesthood of God, we have the modern revelation, we know that the Lord speaks to us today just as he did with His children in ancient times. God doesn't love us any less than He loved His people in the days of Moses. Therefore we have the same blessings they had.

I am so glad to have the restored gospel in my life. I'm thankfull to be in Sedona to be able to appreciate the beautiful earth that God created for us.

Love Elder Fagersten in AZ

March 19, 2012

If you have not watched the Bible videos that the church is should.

As many are aware General Conference is coming up and it is the time we get to hear from the prophets and other leaders of the church. There is a promise that comes with General Conference that is really really special. Any question you have about the gospel will be answered in General Conference if you write it down and take notes during the sessions of conference. It is what I'm going to try this time. It is what I'm inviting others to do when they watch. Try it. Test it. Prove it. The word of God will be carried to your heart by the spirit if you are sincere(2 Nephi 33:1)

sorry I didn't get last weeks email out...last week.

Love you all,

Elder Fagersten in AZ

March 12, 2012

Elder Duke and I have been able to hike a lot since we've been together. There are even hikes we can do for morning exercise. They're quick and very close to the house. I have now hiked 5 trails and they are all worth it. Haven't been to one yet that was disappointing. I've been to Devil's Bridge, 7 sacred pools/soldiers pass, chimney rock, cathedral rock, and sugar loaf. We were going to hike west fork today but we have a foot of snow and flurries off and on.

This week we were able to go on exchanges with the Assistants to the President of our mission. We had one with us and the other went with another set of missionaries. It was a great learning experience. It helped me to refocus my efforts to help other people. Everything that any missionary teaches is centered around the atonement of Jesus Christ. The way that we access the atonement is if we live the doctrines of Christ, which are: Faith, Repentance, Baptism, Receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the end.

It all begins with faith. Faith in Jesus Christ leads us to action. Read the first two chapters in the book of James in the New Testament. We learn that our actions or works are how we show our faith. Faith is required for progression. We especially show our faith by keeping the commandments. We learn by experience. We learn that repentance is necessary as we test it. Keep one commandment you are not now keeping and you will see the difference it makes. "Faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things; therefore if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen which are true." You cannot see the blessings that will come through obedience to a commandment. But you hope for the blessings. Ask yourself, "Will God keep his promise?" We know that "there is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated- And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated."

When we begin to keep the commandments we are repenting. repentance is change. It is aligning our will with God's will. That may start with just aligning our actions with what God wants us to do, with the hope and faith that His word is good. Then our hearts soften and we continue to keep that commandment because of our love for the Savior.

Baptism and receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost follows repentance, and actually helps us fully utilize the atonement of Jesus Christ. Baptism is for a remission of all our past sin. The Gift of the Holy Ghost is for the sanctification of the spirit. Partaking of these ordinances tells Christ that we are accepting of his sacrifice for our sin. Partaking of the emblems of the sacrament renews the baptism every week.

Enduring to the end requires much. But, three basic things help us to do all the others the best we can. Read the scriptures. Pray daily. Attend church meetings. Those three things will keep you in tune with the spirit received at baptism. It will develop your relationship with God. Most important these three things are the modes in which we receive revelation from Almighty God. Spiritual things must be understood spiritually. How do we understand spiritual things?? Through the Holy Ghost, whose mission is to testify of all truth. How do we communicate with Heavenly Father? Through the Holy Ghost. What is revelation? Things that God REVEALS to you through the power of the Holy Ghost. When do you feel the Holy Ghost the strongest? When we are communing with God, when we are reading the word of God, when we are in buildings dedicated and concecrated to worship the Lord with all others who come to draw closer to God.

March 4, 2012

Wow. The emails that I received this week were inspired. Thank you all who wrote me.

This past week has been very good. I've learned an important lesson this week. When I take my vitamins as directed, daily, I forget the difference it makes in my day to day tasks. For me, things are going just fine. I don't always remember what they do for me. Then I run out or stop, and untill I stop taking my vitamins, as I should, I don't realize the support, energy, and health I enjoy while I am taking the vitamins. With that, I begin to take the vitamins daily, as I should. Even then, I don't always recognize the effects right away. But, through consistently taking my vitamins I again enjoy the blessings of staying properly nourished. (Sister Taylor would be so proud!)

Now here is the real lesson. Liken what you just read to prayer. When we are praying everyday, as we should, do we forget the difference it makes in our day to day tasks? When we don't pray, as we should, do we realize the difference it makes? When we do pray we enjoy the blessings that come from staying spiritually nourished. We receive more support, energy, and health. Both spiritually and physically. We will receive increased faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. We will feel His presence more in our lives. We will truly develop a relationship with our Heavenly Father. We will begin to understand how he speaks to us through the Holy Ghost. Prayer is like taking my vitamins.

That was just a neat connection I made this week. I wanted to share it with you.

Elder Duke is great. We will have a great time together. I think a time of exceeding growth. Thanks for all of the emails and prayers and thoughts.

Love Elder Fagersten in AZ

Some Pictures

I forgot to send the pictures of our chimney rock hike. Then there is a map of Iowa that has Sigourney on it. A huge door knocker. and a Marshmallow gun

February 27, 2012

So last week the library was full of people. The computers were packed so I went to the express computers. 15 minute sessions. What I didn't know is that you are only allowed 2 computer sessions a day. Regardless of time limits. So by the time I read and emailed some individual emails I was out of time.

My new companion is Elder Duke. He is awesome. He is from Idaho falls, Idaho. When I was living in Peoria he lived in the house for a short time. So he is my first companion that I knew before I became companions with him. He may also help break my record of length of time in an area, my record is three transferrs. I've only been with a companion for two transfers or less and he has been with companions for 6 months at a time. He may be a record breaking companion.

We hiked Chimney rock this morning. It was a beautiful hike. We got lost and inadvertantly came across the Sedona Amitabha Stupa. It is a buddhist place for prayer that is supposed to magnify your prayers for world peace. That was neat. Then we had to bushwack our way back to the trail because we got lost again. Then we made it to chimney rock trail, got to the top, my camera was nearly full so the only pictures I got are the ones I'm sending.

Elder Brown, my trainer and first district leader, is now my district leader again! He is awesome.

Story from last week. Elder Hastings and I are tracting a street that we didn't even know existed. It wasn't on our map. There are a lot of gated homes but some that arent. So the first door we knock on has a crazy walkway to the door. It is a pool of water between us and the door with stepping stones to get there. No one was home but it was a noteworthy walkwyay. But we go all the way around the circle and the last door we come to, I thought we already knocked on the door. But elder hastings said no we didn't. So I said well I guess we will find out when we get to the door. We hadn't knocked it. So we do. We knocked. Heard talking. We werent sure if they heard us and they were close to the door. So I knocked again. A lady opens the door and Elder Hastings introduces us and then our Bishop, Bishop Goimarac, sticks his head around the corner and says hey guys and Sister Goimarac steps next to the lady who answered the door. I was in shock Elder hastings just starts laughing. It was really funny. Bishop explains to her that he knows us, that this wasn't planned and church comes up and we invite her to church. She wanted to talk to us anyway so it all worked out in an odd, funny, and unique manner. We will probably see her at church this sunday.

Love you all,

Elder Fagersten in AZ

February 21, 2012

Sorry I ran out of time to email you. I'll explain how that happened next week. But my birthday was great.  Thanks for the emails and letters and such. I did have cake and candles.
Elder Hastings is getting transferred. I'll have a new companion tomorrow!
Love Elder Fagersten in AZ

February 13, 2012

What is the result of performing these three labours?
1) Prayer (particularly kneeling vocal prayer)
2) Study the scriptures (All the scripture we have)
3) Go to church (During Service)

Personal Revelation! A.k.a. receiving answers to prayers. Each of these things shows the Lord that we are asking with sincerity and real intent. Which are also requirements for personal revelation. The Lord has said:

"Ask, and shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you; for everyone that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened." (Matthew 7:7-8)

"This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success." (Joshua 1:8)

"And behold, ye shall meet together oft; and ye shall not forbid any man from coming unto you when ye shall meet together, but suffer them that they may come unto you and forbid them not;" (3 Nephi 18:22)

Doing these three things will help us gain trust in the Lord. Knowing that He keeps his promises. They will help us gain a stronger testimony of prayer, scripture study, and church. Our faith will increase if we just take the time to "prove all things; hold fast that which is good."

Love Elder Fagersten in AZ

February 6, 2012

Here is a story for you.
When everyone came home from church on Sunday mom asked Joey what, "What did you learn at church today?"
Joey replied, "I learned about Moses."
Mom asked, " What did you learn about Moses?"
Joey explained, "Well, Moses, he was sent in behind enemy lines on a special mission to save the Israelites. When he had them all together they got outta there. When they came to the Red Sea they built a pontoon bridge and got everyone across. Then he radioed in for a bombing squad to fly in and blow up the bridge when the Egyptians were on it. And all the Israelites were safe."
Puzzled, mom asked, "Is that really what your teacher taught you?"
Joey said, "No, but if I told it the way she did no one would believe it."

I liked that one. Brother Thompson in my ward began Priesthood meeting off with that one. This week I learned a lot of stuff. But there is not enough time to tell it all. Probably the most important thing I learned about this week was grace. The grace by which we are saved. There is a great article in BYU Magazine about it. I'll explain briefly. Are you saved by grace? Yes, you are. We are all saved by grace. Jesus satisfied the demands of justice when he suffered for us. We could never satisfy the demands of justice on our own. So what Christ did for us can be likened unto a mother paying for her child to take piano lessons. She pays the teacher in full. All she asks of her child is practice. Practice will never pay mom or the teacher. The important thing about grace is not to ask are you saved by grace, but are you changed by grace? We are not earning heaven by our works, we are learning heaven by our works.

Sorry that's not the most well constructed we have to go!

Love y'all

Elder Fagersten in AZ

January 30, 2012

Wow its almost February! You know what that means? Its almost 10 months since I've been on my mission! (and it's almost my birthday. Feb. 14)

This past week has been interesting. We had to take our car into the shop on wednesday to get some dents taken out. Neither Elder Hastings or I have ever taken a car into the shop. Let alone for body work. We thought we'd go in and they'd pop the dents out and we'd be on our merry way. Not so. Mind you the place we took it is in Cottonwood. About 17 miles away. We were informed that we would get the car back Friday. Shock...slight panic...we told him "that may not work. Give us a minute to make some phone calls." Long story short. We got a ride back to Sedona from the dealership. We thought we can share the gospel with the driver. Not so. He was deaf.

All I can say is that I have learned to laugh on my mission. It threw off our plans for the day and we rode about 26 miles on bike up and down hills. Reaching a maximum of 33.8mph and a minimum of about 5mph goin up hill. That was great. We were able to contact on bike again. It was just like being in the valley again. People were mean, people were nice, people honked their car horn at us, and yelled out their windows. It was great.

So the moral of the story is learn to laugh when plans don't go as planned :) You will be a lot happier and have less stress. The key to being stress free is to laugh.

I know that missionary work is the greatest work on this earth. It is the only way we can help others enjoy the blessings we enjoy. So we all do missionary work in our own way. Just figure out that way and run with it!

Love Elder Fagersten in AZ

January 23, 2012

This week I gave a talk in Sacrament meeting. It was based on the talk President Uchtdorf gave in April 2009 General Conference called "The way of The Disciple." It was a wonderful opportunity and experience. I was asked two weeks in advance to prepare for this talk and I had plenty of time. I began preparation immediately. Listening to other talks from Conference, getting quotes, looking up scriptures, making notes on the margins of my copy of the talk, etc. About a week before I was to give the talk I was pretty much done I just needed to organize everything together and make it flow. Thursday I didn't work on it. Friday I realized I had misplaced everything!! I couldn't find anything I had worked on. Boy was I grateful that I had prepared before hand. I had my focus already in mind and was able to reconstruct the talk to some extent. I wasn't as confident as I would have been had I been able to find everything I had prepared but it ended up all working out.
Running out of time.
Love you
Elder Fagersten in AZ

January 17, 2012

iHola y'all!

This week was a great week. We had interviews with President Taylor. Elder Hastings and I won the cleanest car award. They award by district. There are two district's in our zone. But, it was also the cleanest car in the Zone. We then went out for pizza:)

I'm in Sedona for another transfer. It is great up here.

I've been reading through the Book of Mormon again. I'm in Alma where Helaman and the stripling warriors are talked about. If you read the descriptions of the stripling warriors, it is always about how they are young, their minds are firm, they put their trust completely in God, and they have courage. The most important description is not that they are young. Because, we can't always be young. But, we can work continually on the other attributes of the stripling warriors. In my study journal I asked "how can we make our minds firm?" To me, that is the first attribute we need to obtain. Because our thoughts lead to our actions. A few scriptures came to mind as I pondered this question. Doctrine and Covenants 84:85. Doctrine and Covenants 88:69,124. Alma 7:32. As we strive to consecrate our lives to the Lord we will find peace and prosperity. The Gospel requires sacrifice, and you may have to sacrifice something good for something better.

Love Elder Fagersten in AZ.

January 10, 2012

Hello! The weather has been beautiful here. I hope it has been elsewhere.

This week we had a lesson with one of our investigators. We were teaching her about faith from Alma 32. We read the whole chapter and discussed the meaning of it. In our discussion she said that the soil in the desert is so different from the soil in New York, where she is from. But, she said, you can grow almost anything here, it just takes a lot more care and effort.

I thought that was so true. Just like our faith, sometimes we leave room for a seed of faith to be planted but our soil is hard and not easy to grow in. And, sometimes our soil is fertile and the seed grows quickly with little effort. But regardless of your soil, how much room you leave for a seed to be planted, the seed can grow and you can come to a knowledge of the truth of that which is planted.

Leave room in your heart to plant a seed for the Book of Mormon. If you already have, continue to nurture it by reading and praying about it. Test the Book by living its principles and you will see that it will begin to swell, enlarge, enlighten, and become delicious to you. Follow the admonition of President Henry B. Eyring and "drink deeply and often from it's pages."

The gospel is in place to bring us happiness. If we live the principles taught by the Prophets and Apostles then we will have lived an exemplary life and will have no regrets for what we have done.

Love Elder Fagersten

January 3, 2012


Yesterday we went on a hike to Devils bridge. It was an awesome hike! Sedona has some beautiful spots. I attached a picture from the hike.

President N. Eldon Tanner said, “As we reflect on the value of resolving to do better, let us determine to discipline ourselves to carefully select the resolutions we make, to consider the purpose for making them, and finally to make commitments for keeping them and not letting any obstacle stop us. Let us remind ourselves at the beginning of each day that we can keep a resolution just for that day.”

There are a few things here that will help as we strive to keep our new years resolutions:
1) Careful selection of the resolutions we make.
2) Why we are making them.
3) Determination to keep them.
4) Remember to ask yourself "Can I keep it today?"
Mastering the principles of goal setting and goal achieving is so important. If we fail to master these principles we will not have accomplished much of what we could have, had we put in some effort to do so. If you are like me and haven't set resolutions lets set some and practice goal setting and achieving. We can only master setting goals and achieving goals if we try.

Lets have a record breaking year of setting and accomplishing the goals we set!

I feel like a motivational choice. hahaha

Love Elder Fagersten