Saturday, April 7, 2012

April 3, 2012

Hola everyone! It's transfer week so we email Tuesday instead of Monday.

General Conference was great!! Like usual. I'll just share a few notes I took during conference that I really enjoyed. They probably aren't direct quotes, but it's what I wrote down.
Pres. Monson: We come together to strengthen one another. To learn and be uplifted and edified. (This applies to all the times we come together for church)
Elder Packer: The spirit of the Gospel is found in the family unit.
Elder Oaks: Atonement is the central focus of all the prophet's prophesying and testifying.
Elder Eyring:Trials in life don't always come because of sin. They can come to us to "polish" us.
Elder Holland: Be kind, and be glad that God is Kind.
Elder Hales: Forgiveness is the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Elder Cook: We must stay in tune with the sacred music of Faith. What we are speaks so loudly that our children may not hear what we say. If you feel like no divine voice is speaking back to you, immerse yourself in the scriptures.
Elder Scott: The Lord uses those who we hold with great respect to teach us.
Elder Bednar: The Priesthood is the most distinguishing feature of the Church. It is the power of God given to men to save souls.
Elder Uchtdorf: He saw a bumper sticker that said, "Don't judge me because I sin differently than you."
Elder Nelson: Anyone who studies the body has seen the majesty and power of God move. Don't be like fish who never thank and are ignorant to their supporter.
Elder Christofferson: He teaches us how the Church leaders receive revelation for the church.
Pres. Monson: We need a rutter to guide us. Unlike the toy boats that he and his friends used to fashion out of sticks.
Elder Perry: Neither the Bible nor the Book of Mormon is sufficient without the other. Much of the Book of Mormons greatness stems from its harmony with the Bible.
Elder Ballard: Life is much better and happier when hearts turn to families.
Elder Andersen: In the last day we will not be judged based on what others think of us. So ask yourself. What thinks Christ of me?"

Hope these Help. They are only from the Quorum of the Twelve apostles and First Presidency.

Love Elder Fagersten

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