Saturday, April 7, 2012

February 27, 2012

So last week the library was full of people. The computers were packed so I went to the express computers. 15 minute sessions. What I didn't know is that you are only allowed 2 computer sessions a day. Regardless of time limits. So by the time I read and emailed some individual emails I was out of time.

My new companion is Elder Duke. He is awesome. He is from Idaho falls, Idaho. When I was living in Peoria he lived in the house for a short time. So he is my first companion that I knew before I became companions with him. He may also help break my record of length of time in an area, my record is three transferrs. I've only been with a companion for two transfers or less and he has been with companions for 6 months at a time. He may be a record breaking companion.

We hiked Chimney rock this morning. It was a beautiful hike. We got lost and inadvertantly came across the Sedona Amitabha Stupa. It is a buddhist place for prayer that is supposed to magnify your prayers for world peace. That was neat. Then we had to bushwack our way back to the trail because we got lost again. Then we made it to chimney rock trail, got to the top, my camera was nearly full so the only pictures I got are the ones I'm sending.

Elder Brown, my trainer and first district leader, is now my district leader again! He is awesome.

Story from last week. Elder Hastings and I are tracting a street that we didn't even know existed. It wasn't on our map. There are a lot of gated homes but some that arent. So the first door we knock on has a crazy walkway to the door. It is a pool of water between us and the door with stepping stones to get there. No one was home but it was a noteworthy walkwyay. But we go all the way around the circle and the last door we come to, I thought we already knocked on the door. But elder hastings said no we didn't. So I said well I guess we will find out when we get to the door. We hadn't knocked it. So we do. We knocked. Heard talking. We werent sure if they heard us and they were close to the door. So I knocked again. A lady opens the door and Elder Hastings introduces us and then our Bishop, Bishop Goimarac, sticks his head around the corner and says hey guys and Sister Goimarac steps next to the lady who answered the door. I was in shock Elder hastings just starts laughing. It was really funny. Bishop explains to her that he knows us, that this wasn't planned and church comes up and we invite her to church. She wanted to talk to us anyway so it all worked out in an odd, funny, and unique manner. We will probably see her at church this sunday.

Love you all,

Elder Fagersten in AZ

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