Thursday, May 5, 2011

Some Mission Info. from the Pres.

A view of North Phoenix

Elder Ben Fagersten is serving with Elder Brown in the North Mountain Ward in the Phoenix North Stake.  President Beck said he was happy to have Ben serving in Arizona and that he is a fine young man and will be a great missionary. 

Ben's P-Day is on Mondays.  All of the missionaries use the library to send out their emails.  If there is a holiday, they will miss sending out their email that week.  President Beck also suggested that emails sent to Ben be uplifting ones that express our faith and support of him.  He indicated that when we share too much about the details of life, then it tends to make the missionaries more home sick.

Oh, he also mentioned the mission blog and that Ben will be posted on there in the next week or two.  That address is:

Also, as far as mail goes, all letters and packages should be sent to the mission office during his entire mission.  When you send packages First Class or Priority with the U.S. Postal Service, they forward them to the missionaries.  Any packages that come via UPS, Fed-Ex or Parcel Post cannot be forwarded and must be hand-delivered at Zone Conference or Interviews.  This causes a delay of up to a month.  His address is:

Elder Benjamin Robert Fagersten
Arizona Phoenix Mission
18001 N. 79th Avenue
Building C, Suite 50
Glendale, AZ 85308