Wednesday, April 27, 2011

April 26, 2011

Hello everybody!! There have been some pretty big changes here in the MTC. They totally changed the schedule and what we do for learning and teaching. They used to have a place you could go in order to have workshops on how to teach and do door approaches and what not. Now there is none of that. There are no more large group meetings. There are a lot of changes. They are implementing new things into the curriculum that were implemented in the field before. Its strange but good.

There is still a teaching evaluation center where you go and teach investigators. More often than not they are not real investigators. But this has changed some as well. They are now all professional actors so that the teaching experience is very real. It was real before with recent converts acting the way they did before they joined the church. But this is supposed to be an improvement. I'm excited to teach there. I'll send home the new schedule with the old one so you can see the differences for yourself. Along with all the other things from the MTC, I've had four different teachers. Which is not common. But, I LOVE it here!!! The spirit is so strong. The missionaries are great. There is something to learn from everyone! My companion, other members of my district and zone, the teachers, and especially the fireside and devotional speakers.

We had Elder Stephen B. Allen come on Sunday. He is the Managing Director of the Missionary Department. He helped produce commercials for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It was awesome!! We got to watch a bunch of the commercials and he applied them to us! I cried multiple times. It was so powerful. I admit I was a bit disappointed when it wasn't a general authority on Easter Sunday. Especially when Elder Scott came the week before. But I got over that before he even began his devotional. I thought that it would be silly to not have the spirit because I didn't get what I wanted. So I got over it.

My District is awesome!!! But it is interesting to see how people change when you're around them so often. As Alyce said to me in her letter. You may click with some elders until Satan throws a wrench in that relationship. Something to that effect. And it's true. It helps to have a supportive district to help you understand that we're still God's children. He still loves us and wants the best for us. It's vitally important to remember that you are with your companion for a reason. His strengths and your strengths compliment each others weaknesses. His perspectives and your perspectives compliment each other and strengthen your unity if you can get over the little things that Satan wants you to dwell on. Just so you know my companion and I get along well.

I wish I could write more but there is not all the time in the world. Preparation day is actually pretty busy. I love you all and appreciate your prayers and support!

Elder Ben Fagersten

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